Contacts 3.10

This is post was due for about two weeks ago. I’ve been very busy, so here it goes.

GNOME 3.10 was released almost three weeks ago. A huge number changes and improvements were made as you can see in the release notes. Those changes affected Contacts as well.

This cycle the platform gained client-side decoration support from Gtk+ toolkit. We, in Contacts, also incorporated a cool header bar, which in our case has the perk of being splitted between the contacts list and the main contact pane.

The change in Contacts I’m most proud of is the new Change AddressBook dialog. It’s an UI change that improved the experience a lot and clarified which is the active addressbook

Finally, under the hood, Contacts is starting to use most of the new widgets recently migrated into Gtk+ and the template support landed this cycle.

Edit: I owe you screenshots.
