Gnome Account Application

Yesterday, while I was talking with the Gnome Contacts developer came up the issue of me having an account. I wasn’t familiar with the process, he point me to the page in question, and I filled the application for the account. The process took a day, this morning while I was solving another bug in Gnome Contact the mails reached my inbox telling me about the new account being setup in an hour or so. I finished the work in the patch. Went right to the instruction for using Git as the Gnome standards requires and pushed the patch by my own. Now I have a few commits already in but this one is the first one I make myself.

Now I’m still waiting for the Gnome Foundation decision on my application to be a member yet, this is huge joy. I’m looking forward to contribue more to Gnome, it’s an amazing world with amazing people and great programmers, and I’m pretty happy to be prt of it.